What if we already have a promising internal candidate and don’t want to go through the entire search process? Is it possible to customize the typical process to only include necessary services to see if our candidate has “the right stuff”?

At The Bryan Group we are happy to work with clients to determine exactly what they need and provide a proposal based on those needs. We understand you may have someone in mind that checks the important boxes. We challenge you to make objective and data-based decisions when it comes to this worthwhile candidate as well.

Using services to evaluate an internal candidate would include the following:

  • We would set performance criteria to include employee or community data (interviews, focus groups, and surveys) and search committee input (criteria setting exercises and findings from our past research). In addition, we would create a set of failure factors that leaders in your organization’s past have encountered.

  • We would conduct an interview with the internal candidate using a Guided Storytelling Interview™ which is the gold standard for qualitative capability evaluations. This interview takes 3-3.5 hours and is recorded so all search committee members can review and score it against performance standards.

  • If the candidate seems to be a good fit, meet-and-greets are scheduled with key stakeholders. These stakeholders evaluate the meetings, and internal reference checks are conducted.

  • Once each of these steps are complete, each evaluative input is reviewed and a recommendation and decision is made.

  • Even if the candidate is not selected, you will have completed this process and have select tools you need to conduct a full search.

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