Why is it not guaranteed that a search firm will make the best possible hire at the end of the process?

The lack of a guarantee can be an intimidating factor when considering using a search firm to select your next leader. Across sectors, the percentage of successfully finding and hiring a qualified candidate runs a big range, from 40%-90%, so it is important to do your homework about the capabilities of the firm you are considering hiring.

The search process expertise and candidate-sourcing strategies make all the difference in optimizing your chances of a successful hire. However, even the best firms present candidates that are not perfect for the organization on occasion, often due to one of the following circumstances:

The search firm finds you a qualified candidate, but …

  • By the time an offer is made they have accepted another position.

  • They do not feel they fit your requirements.

  • Due to the specific district or board, they feel the position does not feel that the circumstances of that organization are the right fit when it comes to the unavoidable obstacles that go along with the job.

See the Search RFP Development document for a more detailed discussion on this issue.

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